Scott Simpson Attains the Rank of Eagle Scout
May 24 1980
Posted In: News

Scott Simpson presented Scouting's highest award

Scott S Simpson of Kingman Road Nassau, was recently presented the Boy Scouts highest honor the Eagle Scout Award. Scott, a member of South Schodack Boy Scout Troop 253 received the award during formal ceremonies in which fellow Scouts, family, and friends attended at the South Schodack Fire Hall on May 24.

Presenting the citation was Dale Goodall, local Troop 253 Committeeman. Taking part in the formal presentation was Edward C. Swartz. a long-time family friend of Scott and his parents, Mr and Mrs Earl Simpson.

Scott, an 18-year-old student at Maple Hill High School is a member of the 1980 graduating class. He has been involved in Scouting for the past seven years during which he became an Order of the Arrow member, has served a Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and presently serves as Assistant Scoutmaster for the South Schodack Troop 253.

Taking part in the ceremonies at the Court of Honor were Richard J Dailey, an organizer of Troop 253; Rev Sylvester D Van Oort of the Muitzeskill Reformed Church; John Hudson. Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 253; Kenneth Wood, Assistant Patrol Leader; Donald A Shields, Troop Committeeman. Richard Galkiewiez presented Scott with the Knights of Columbus Councils Award. Supervisor Jeffrey G. Haber. the Town of Schodack Award. Arthur S. Turner and Gerrit Rooreboorn Jr. the American Legion Award and Robert Van Beusichem, Boy Scout Unit Commissioner presented letters of recognition.

Original Article

"Scott Simpson Presented Scouting's Highest Award." The Chatham Courier, 05 Jun 1980 , p. A11.

The above article is a transcription of an archived copy of The Chatham Courier Rough Notes, which was printed on Thursday, June 5, 1980. The archive copy is tough to read, so it is possible there are some typos in the above transcription.

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